Shipping & Payment


The cost and delivery time of your order are estimated online at the checkout.
The estimation is performed according to the weight of items and their destination.
We deliver orders anywhere in the Nigeria.

If your order total amounts to

₦100,000 or more,

we will deliver your order to any place in Edo State.


Shipping methods

A courier can deliver your order right to your doorstep.
You can also receive your order in one of Customer Pick Up Centers.


Pay the courier on delivery.
Pay with a Visa, Master, or Verve  card either when you place an order in our store, or right on delivery—the courier has the terminal.
Print and pay the receipt, then send the scanned copy of the received payment document to [email protected]
Cashless payment (invoices). This method is best for organizations. Place an order, print the received invoice, pay it, and contact us to know the order delivery date.
Payment via mobile phone