If you have forgotten your password, enter your email address in the field and click Reset password.
You will receive a new password and a link to sign in. You will be able to change the password later.
Online Shopping on Plintech.com – Nigeria’s #1 Online Tech Shop & Services
Plinth Tech is an I.T company that provides customized solutions based on your needs. We pride ourselves in having every tech items you could possibly need for life and living at the best prices than anywhere else. Our access to quality items and premium sellers gives us a wide range of products at very low prices. purchase all your high quality tech items ranging from electronics, computers, mobile phones, accessories, gadgets, camera, to mention a few with full assurance and affordability.
To make your shopping experience swift and memorable, there are also added services like gift card vouchers, consumer promotion activities across different categories and bulk purchases with hassle-free delivery.
Enjoy free shipping rates for certain products and with the bulk purchase option, you can enjoy low shipping rates, discounted prices and flexible payment. When you shop on our platform, you can pay with your debit card, which is a convenient and secured payment solution.
Shopping online in Nigeria is easy and convenient with Plinth Tech. We provide you with a wide range of tech products you can trust. We offers deals and discounts and never ceases to form campaigns all year around, all for the satisfaction and joy of our customers.